Recently, Deborah Boes got the opportunity to participate in an EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) training. Read below her experience 👇
"To learn more about a specific analysis method that I will be using during my project, last week I got the opportunity to participate in an EPR training school organised as part of a European COST action. In this COST action, scientists who all work on the same research topic, in this case Iron-Sulfur clusters, are brought together to share their knowledge and learn more on the topic together. The EPR training was organised by the research group of Dr. Maxie M. Roessler at Imperial College London. Together with them, we got to learn a lot about different EPR techniques and how to analyse and interpret the data, while at the same time getting to know other scientists who work in the same field. It was a great experience learning so many new techniques and getting to know some great new people!"
